load store data

java -Xmx64m -Xms64m \
-jar KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar load [-verbose]
-store <storeName> -host <hostname> -port <port>
-source <shard-backup-dir>[, <shard-backup-dir>]*
[-checkpoint <checkpoint-files-directory>]
[-username <user>] [-security <security-file-path>] 

Loads data into a store from backup directories. The bulk put API is used by this utility to load data into the target store. To recreate the complete contents of the store, you must specify one directory per shard for each shard associated with the store.

The load utility is highly parallelized. To further boost load performance, you can choose to run multiple concurrent invocations of the load utility on different machines, and assign each invocation a non-overlapping subset of the shard directories, using the -source argument. The use of these additional machine resources could significantly decrease overall elapsed load times.


Creating multiple processes on the same machine is unlikely to be beneficial and could be detrimental, since the two processes are likely to be contending for the same CPU and network resources.


  • -checkpoint <checkpoint-files-directory> The utility used this directory to checkpoint its progress on a periodic basis. If the load process is interrupted for some reason, the progress checkpoint information is used to skip data that had already been loaded when the load utility is subsequently re-executed with the same arguments. If the -checkpoint flag is not specified, progress will not be checkpointed and all the data in the partitions that were already loaded will be reread.

  • -host <hostname> Identifies the host name of a node in your store.

  • -port <port> Identifies the registry port in use by the store's node.

  • -security <security-file-path> Identifies the security file used to specify properties for login.

  • -source <shard-backup-dir>[,<shard-backup-dir>]* These backup directories typically represent the contents of snapshots created using the snapshot commands described at Taking a Snapshot.

  • -store <storeName> Identifies the name of the store.

  • -username <user> Identifies the name of the user to login to the secured store.