Using Plans

You use the plan command, available from the administrative command line interface, to both create and execute plans, as well as to perform many other tasks. For more about using the plan command, see CLI Command Reference.

By default, running a plan command executes asynchronously in the background. The command line prompt returns as soon as the background process begins. You can check the progress of a running plan using the show plan id command.

You can run a plan command synchronously in two ways:

plan action_to_complete —wait

plan wait -id plan_id

Using either the –wait flag or the plan wait command, causes the command line prompt to return only after the command completes.

The -wait flag and the plan wait command are useful when executing plans from scripts, which typically expect each command to finish before processing the next command.

You can also create a plan, but defer its execution using the optional -noexecute flag, as follows:
plan action –name plan-name -noexecute
Later, execute the plan on demand as follows:
plan execute -id id_num

Tracking Plan Progress

There are several ways to track the progress of a plan.

  • The show plan -id command provides information about the progress of a running plan. Use the optional -verbose flag to get more detail.

  • The CLI verify command gives service status information as the plan is executing and services start.


    The verify command is of interest for only topology-related plans. If the plan is modifying parameters, such changes may not be visible using the verify command.

  • The CLI's logtail command lets you follow the store-wide log.