Schema for the Example Table Named rmvTable

To demonstrate how a Hive query can be applied to an Oracle NoSQL Database table consisting of a mix of primitive and non-primitive data types, a table named rmvTable having the schema shown in the table below must be created in the Oracle NoSQL Database store deployed for this example. The data types specified in the schema shown below are defined by the Oracle NoSQL Database table API (see FieldDef.Type) .

Table 9-1 Schema for rmvTable

Field Name Field Type
zipcode FieldDef.Type.STRING
lastname FieldDef.Type.STRING
first name FieldDef.Type.STRING
ssn FieldDef.Type.STRING
gender FieldDef.Type.ENUM
license FieldDef.Type.FIXED_BINARY(9)
phoneinfo FieldDef.Type.MAP(STRING)
address FieldDef.Type.RECORD
address Record Schema number FieldDef.Type.INTEGER
street FieldDef.Type.STRING
unit FieldDef.Type.INTEGER
city FieldDef.Type.STRING
state FieldDef.Type.STRING
zip FieldDef.Type.INTEGER

FieldDef.Type.ARRAY (FieldDef.Type.RECORD)

vehicleinfo Element Record Schema type FieldDef.Type.STRING
make FieldDef.Type.STRING
model FieldDef.Type.STRING
class FieldDef.Type.STRING
color FieldDef.Type.STRING
value FieldDef.Type.STRING
tax FieldDef.Type.STRING
paid FieldDef.Type.STRING

Table 9-2 Primary Key Field Names

Primary Key Field Names
zipcode lastname first name ssn

Table 9-3 Shard Key Field Names

Shard Key Field Names

Upon examining this schema, one can see that the example rmvTable consists of rows of data the Registry of Motor Vehicles might maintain about vehicle owners who have registered a primary vehicle and (optionally) a second and maybe a third vehicle. In addition to personal information about each owner - such as name, address, gender, phone number(s), etc. - each row of data also contains an array in which each element of the array is a record whose contents consists of information about each vehicle the owner registers.

For example, in addition to vehicle attributes such as the make, model, color, etc., the record will also contain the vehicle's assessed value, registration fee (the tax), and whether or not the owner has paid the fee. Although the table schema presented above may seem a bit contrived, it is intended to demonstrate a broad spectrum of data types from the Oracle NoSQL Database table API.

To create a table with the above schema, the preferred approach is to employ the table Data Definition Language (DDL) (see Table Data Definition Language Overview), rather than entering individual commands in the store's admin CLI. To accomplish this, you can follow the instructions presented in the following sections to compile and execute the LoadRmvTable program, which will populate the desired table after using the DDL to create it.