Package oracle.kv.hadoop.hive.table

package oracle.kv.hadoop.hive.table
Support for executing Hive queries against data written to an Oracle NoSQL Database via the Table API.
  • Class
    The Hive ObjectInspector that is used to translate KVStore row fields of type FieldDef.Type.ARRAY to Hive column type LIST.
    The Hive ObjectInspector that is used to translate KVStore row fields of either type FieldDef.Type.BINARY or type FieldDef.Type.FIXED_BINARY to Hive column type BINARY (byte[]).
    The Hive ObjectInspector that is used to translate KVStore row fields of type FieldDef.Type.BOOLEAN to Hive column type BOOLEAN.
    The Hive ObjectInspector that is used to translate KVStore row fields of type FieldDef.Type.DOUBLE to Hive column type DOUBLE.
    The Hive ObjectInspector that is used to translate KVStore row fields of type FieldDef.Type.ENUM to Hive column type STRING.
    Enum class that defines values corresponding to each of the enum values defined in FieldDef.Type; which represent the possible field types of a KV Store table.
    The Hive ObjectInspector that is used to translate KVStore row fields of type FieldDef.Type.FLOAT to Hive column type FLOAT.
    A Hadoop MapReduce version 1 InputFormat class for reading data from an Oracle NoSQL Database when processing a Hive query against data written to that database using the Table API.
    Local class, intended as a convenient return type data structure, that associates the comparison operation(s) specified in a given predicate with a corresponding column (field) name.
    Concrete implementation of the InputSplit interface required by version 1 of MapReduce to support Hive queries.
    Concrete implementation of RecordReader; used to read PrimaryKey/Row pairs from an InputSplit.
    The Hive ObjectInspector that is used to translate KVStore row fields of type FieldDef.Type.INTEGER to Hive column type INT.
    The Hive ObjectInspector that is used to translate KVStore row fields of type FieldDef.Type.JSON to Hive column type STRING.
    The Hive ObjectInspector that is used to translate KVStore row fields of type FieldDef.Type.LONG to Hive column type LONG.
    The Hive ObjectInspector that is used to translate KVStore row fields of type FieldDef.Type.MAP to Hive column type MAP.
    The Hive ObjectInspector that is used to translate KVStore row fields of type FieldDef.Type.NUMBER to Hive column type DECIMAL.
    The Hive ObjectInspector that is used to translate KVStore row fields of type FieldDef.Type.RECORD to Hive column type STRUCT.
    Special class provided to support testing the getStructFieldData method; which casts the given StructField parameter to the MyField nested class of the StandardStructObjectInspector class.
    Concrete implementation of TableSerDeBase that performs deserialization and/or serialization of data loaded into a KVStore via the PrimaryKey based Table API.
    Concrete implementation of TableStorageHandlerBase; which assumes that the data accessed from the desired Oracle NoSQL Database has been stored, and will be accessed, via the Table API.
    Concrete implementation of Hadoop TaskAttemptContext interface.
    The Hive ObjectInspector that is used to translate KVStore row fields of type FieldDef.Type.TIMESTAMP to Hive column type TIMESTAMP.
    Utility class that provides static convenience methods for managing the interactions between version 1 and version 2 (YARN) MapReduce classes.