Create the Remainder of your Storage Nodes

This section is only applicable if you are configuring multiple Storage Nodes. Skip this section if you are configuring a single Storage Node.

Having created your Storage Node Pool, you can create the remainder of your Storage Nodes. Every Storage Node hosts various Oracle NoSQL Database admin and managed services in the data store. Consequently, you must use the deploy-sn command in the same way as you did in Create an Administration Process on a Specific Storage Nodeto add each new Storage Node to your data store. As you deploy each Storage Node, join it to your Storage Node Pool as described in the previous section.

Hint: Storage Node ID numbers increment sequentially with each Storage Node you add. So you do not have to repetitively look up the IDs with show topology. If the last Storage Node you created was assigned an ID of 10, then the next Storage Node is automatically assigned ID 11.

kv-> plan deploy-sn -zn zn1 -host <host2> -port 5000 -wait
Executed plan 4, waiting for completion...
Plan 4 ended successfully
kv-> pool join -name BostonPool -sn sn2
Added Storage Node(s) [sn2] to pool BostonPool
kv-> plan deploy-sn -zn zn1 -host <host3> -port 5000 -wait
Executed plan 5, waiting for completion...
Plan 5 ended successfully
kv-> pool join -name BostonPool -sn sn3
Added Storage Node(s) [sn3] to pool BostonPool

Repeat this process for all new Storage Nodes in your data store.