Create a script to configure the data store


You must follow the configuration steps as mentioned in Configuring your data store installation before running the Admin CLI.

You now know how to configure a data store using an interactive command line interface session. However, you can collect all of the commands used in the prior sections into a script file, and then run the script in a single batch operation. To do this, use the load command in the command line interface. For example:

Using the load -file command line option:

ssh node01
> java -Xmx64m -Xms64m \
-jar $KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar runadmin -port 5000 -host $KVHOST \
-security $KVROOT/security/ \
load -file script.txt
Using directly the load -file command. First start runadmin to use the Admin command line interface (CLI) for administration purposes:

 java -Xmx64m -Xms64m \
-jar $KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar runadmin -port 5000 -host node01 \
-security $KVROOT/security/ 
kv-> load -file <path to file> 

Using this command you can load the named file and interpret its contents as a script of commands to be executed.

The file, script.txt, would contain content like the code snippet shown below. Note that the name of the store in this example is mystore.

### Begin Script ###
configure -name mystore
plan deploy-zone -name "Boston" -rf 3 -wait
plan deploy-sn -zn zn1 -host <hostname> -port 5000 -wait
plan deploy-admin -sn sn1 -wait
pool create -name BostonPool
pool join -name BostonPool -sn sn1
plan deploy-sn -zn zn1 -host <host2> -port 5000 -wait
pool join -name BostonPool -sn sn2
plan deploy-sn -zn zn1 -host <host3> -port 5000 -wait
pool join -name BostonPool -sn sn3
topology create -name topo -pool BostonPool -partitions 300
plan deploy-topology -name topo -wait
### End Script ###