
Before you install Oracle NoSQL Database, decide on the directories to store the various database package files and to store data. Set the following environment variables with the appropriate directory path.
    • $KVHOME - This is the directory to store all the Oracle NoSQL Database package files (libraries, Javadoc, scripts, and so forth). It is recommended that you use the same directory path for $KVHOME on each of the Storage Nodes in the installation. To make future software upgrades easier, adopt a convention for $KVHOME that includes the release number. For example, use a $KVHOME location such as /var/kv/kv-M.N.O, where M.N.O represent the software release.major.minor numbers.
    • $KVROOT - This is the directory to store Oracle NoSQL Database data.
It is recommended that both the $KVHOME and $KVROOT directories are local to the Storage Node, and not on a Network File System.


Use different directories for $KVHOME and $KVROOT. An example is shown below.
export $KVHOME=$HOME/nosql/kv-23.1.21export

Steps to install the Oracle NoSQL Database:

  1. Download the Oracle NoSQL Database bundle. You can download either Community Edition or Enterprise Edition software.
    • Community Edition: Oracle NoSQL Database Community Edition (CE) software is licensed pursuant to the Apache 2.0 License (Apache 2.0).
    • Enterprise Edition: Oracle NoSQL Database Enterprise Edition (EE) software is licensed pursuant to the Oracle commercial license.
    To understand the difference between editions, see NoSQL Database Option Differences. If you have more than one Storage Node, copy the downloaded software to each of the Storage Nodes.
  2. Extract the contents of the Oracle NoSQL Database package ( or kv-M.N.O.tar.gz) to $KVHOME. If $KVHOME resides on a shared network directory (which is not recommended) you need to only unpack it once. If $KVHOME is local to each Storage Node, unpack the package on each Storage Node. Unzipping the package installs the Oracle NoSQL Database.
  3. Set the appropriate values for$KVHOME ( where you have unzipped the Oracle NoSQL Database package) and $KVROOT.
    export $KVHOME=$HOME/nosql/kv-23.1.21
    export $KVROOT=$KVHOME/kvroot
  4. Verify the software installation using the following command:
    java -Xmx64m -Xms64m -jar $KVHOME/lib/kvclient.jar
    You should see output that looks like this:
    23.1.21 2023-05-18 21:25:44 UTC  
    Build id: 477e7f102ab4 Edition:Client
    where 23.1.21 is the database version number.