
java -Xmx64m -Xms64m \
-jar KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar start
[-disable-services] [-verbose]
-root <rootDirectory> 
[-config <bootstrapFileName>][-restore-from-snapshot]<snapshot-time_snapshot-dir-name> [-update-config {true | false} ]  

Starts the Oracle NoSQL Database Storage Node Agent (and if configured, store) in the root directory.

To disable all services associated with a stopped SNA use the -disable-services flag. For more information, see Disabling Storage Node Agent Hosted Services.

You can optionally start from an existing snapshot, instead of using –config <bootstrapFileName>.

To start from a snapshot, use the –restore-from-snapshot option, followed by the snapshot directory name with its snapshot-time prefix. Specify –update-config true to override the existing configuration as part of restoring snapshot data.