
#include <kvstore.h>

kv_open_store_login(const kv_impl_t *impl,
              kv_store_t **store,
              kv_config_t *config,
              kv_credentials_t *creds) 

Opens a KV Store handle (structure) and authenticates to the store using the supplied authentication credentials. Call kv_close_store() to log out of the store and release the resources allocated for this structure. Note that you can also log out of the store using kv_store_logout().

The config parameter is donated upon success, and so upon a successful open your application should ignore the kv_config_t structure. If this function fails, you must call kv_release_config() (it is only when an error occurs on store open that you should explicitly release the configuration structure). Upon failure, you might be able to obtain error information using kv_get_open_error().

This function is not thread-safe; it must not be called concurrently on the same kv_impl_t instance.


  • impl

    The impl parameter is the implementation structure you are using for the library. It is created using kv_create_jni_impl().

  • store

    The store parameter references memory into which a pointer to the allocated store handle (structure) is copied.

  • config

    The config parameter is the configuration structure that you want to use to configure this handle. It is created using kv_create_config().

  • creds

    The creds parameter is the credentials structure that you want to use to login to the store. You create this structure using kv_create_password_credentials().