
#include <kvstore.h>

kv_put_with_options(kv_store_t *store,
                    const kv_key_t *key,
                    const kv_value_t *value,
                    const kv_version_t *if_version,kv_presence_enum if_presence,
                    kv_version_t **new_version,
                    kv_value_t **previous_value,kv_return_value_version_enum return_info,
                    kv_durability_t durability,
                    kv_timeout_t timeout_ms)

Writes the key/value pair to the store, inserting or overwriting as appropriate.


  • store

    The store parameter is the handle to the store where you want to write the key/value pair.

  • key

    The key parameter is the key that you want to write to the store. It is created using kv_create_key() or kv_create_key_from_uri().

  • value

    The value parameter is the value that you want to write to the store. It is created using kv_create_value().

  • if_version

    The if_version parameter indicates that the record should be put only if the existing value matches the version supplied to this parameter. Use this parameter when updating a value to ensure that it has not changed since it was last read. The version is obtained using the kv_get_version() function.

  • if_presence

    The if_presence parameter describes the conditions under which the record can be put, based on the presence or absence of the record in the store. For example, KV_IF_PRESENT means that the record can only be written to the store if a version of the record already exists there.

    For a list of all the available presence options, see kv_presence_enum.

  • new_version

    The new_version parameter references memory into which is copied the key/value pair's new version information. This pointer will be NULL if this function produces a non-zero return code, or if return_info is not KV_RETURN_VALUE_ALL or KV_RETURN_VALUE_VERSION.

    You release the resources used by the version data structure using kv_release_version().

  • previous_value

    The previous_value parameter references memory into which is copied the previous value associated with the given key. Returns NULL if there was no previous value (the operation is inserting a new record, rather than updating an existing one); or if return_info is not KV_RETURN_VALUE_ALL or KV_RETURN_VALUE_VALUE.

    You release the resources used by this parameter using kv_release_value().

  • return_info

    The return_info parameter indicates what version and value information should be returned as a part of this operation. See kv_return_value_version_enum for a list of possible options.

  • durability

    The durability parameter provides the durability guarantee to be used with this write operation. Durability guarantees are created using kv_create_durability().

  • timeout_ms

    The timeout_ms parameter provides an upper bound on the time interval for processing the operation. A best effort is made not to exceed the specified limit. If zero, the default request timeout is used. The default request timeout is set using kv_config_set_timeouts().