
#include <kvstore.h>

kv_result_get_previous_version(const kv_operation_results_t *res,
                               kv_int_t index,
                               const kv_version_t **version) 

Returns the value's version that existed before a put operation was run as a part of multi-step, sequence of operations. A previous version will only exist if the provided index in the operation contains a put operation as created by kv_create_put_with_options_op(), and if that function's return_info parameter is KV_RETURN_VALUE_ALL or KV_RETURN_VALUE_VERSION.

If the index parameter is out of range, this function returns KV_NO_SUCH_OBJECT.


  • res

    The res parameter is the operation results list that contains the previous version you want to examine.

  • index

    The index parameter is the index in the results list which holds the information you want to retrieve.

  • version

    The version parameter references memory to which is copied the previous version. Release the resources used by this value using kv_release_version().

    This parameter will be NULL if the indexed result was not generated by put operation that was configured to return previous versions.