Prerequisite to Full Text Search

In order to employ the Full Text Search feature, you need a running Oracle NoSQL Database store, and an Elasticsearch cluster. The Elasticsearch cluster must be reachable over a network from the Oracle NoSQL Database store. For performance reasons, when running in a production environment, the nodes making up the Oracle NoSQL Database, as well as the nodes of the Elasticsearch cluster should be separate hosts in a distributed environment, communicating over a network.

Currently, the Full Text Search feature of Oracle NoSQL Database will work with Elasticsearch version 2 (example: 2.4.6), but not versions greater than or equal to version 5. The following references can help you download, install, and start a version of Elasticsearch compatible with Oracle NoSQL Database:
Once your Elasticsearch cluster is running, it should consist of one or more nodes. Some or all of the nodes will have services listening on two ports:
  • The HTTP port, which is used for REST requests (default 9200).
  • The Elasticsearch transport port, used for communication between Elasticsearch nodes (default 9300).


As explained in the sections below, you must know the HTTP port and the host name of at least one node in the Elasticsearch cluster. You also must know the name of the cluster itself, which by default is elasticsearch. This information must be provided to the Oracle NoSQL Database store so that it can find and connect to the Elasticsearch cluster.