Package oracle.kv

Class KVStoreFactory

  • public class KVStoreFactory
    extends java.lang.Object
    Factory class used to produce handles to an existing KVStore.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      The name of the system property that can be set to specify the maximum amount of time in seconds for a endpoint group thread to be quiescent before it is shut down.
      static java.lang.String ENDPOINT_GROUP_NUM_THREADS_PROPERTY
      The name of the system property that can be set to specify the number of threads to use for the async endpoint group.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String ENDPOINT_GROUP_NUM_THREADS_PROPERTY
        The name of the system property that can be set to specify the number of threads to use for the async endpoint group. The number should be an integer greater than zero. If this property is not set, the async endpoint group uses twice the number of available processors as determined by calling Runtime.availableProcessors().
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ENDPOINT_GROUP_MAX_QUIESCENT_SECONDS_PROPERTY
        The name of the system property that can be set to specify the maximum amount of time in seconds for a endpoint group thread to be quiescent before it is shut down. The number should be an integer greater than zero. Default to 60 if this property is not set.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • KVStoreFactory

        public KVStoreFactory()
    • Method Detail

      • getStore

        public static KVStore getStore​(KVStoreConfig config)
                                throws FaultException
        Get a handle to an existing KVStore. Note that the KVStore itself can only be created via the KV administration console or API. The application must invoke KVStore.close(), when it is done accessing the store, to free up resources associated with the handle.
        config - the KVStore configuration parameters.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if an illegal configuration parameter is specified.
        See Also:
      • getStore

        public static KVStore getStore​(KVStoreConfig config,
                                       LoginCredentials creds,
                                       ReauthenticateHandler reauthHandler)
                                throws FaultException
        Get a handle to an existing KVStore, with optional authentication arguments for accessing a secure KVStore instance. Note that the KVStore itself can only be created via the KV administration console or API. The application must invoke KVStore.close(), when it is done accessing the store, to free up resources associated with the handle.

        If no LoginCredentials are provided in this call, this method will attempt to locate credentials through other sources, in the following search order.

        1. KVStoreConfig.getLoginProperties()
        2. A login file referenced by the Java system property.

        config - the KVStore configuration parameters.
        creds - the KVStore user login credentials. If null, the KVStore client will attempt to locate credentials based on Java system properties.
        reauthHandler - an optional re-authentication handler to be used in the event a login session expires and must be renewed. If both creds and reauthHandler are null, but login information is located using either of the above lookup methods, an internally-supplied reauthentication handler is automatically provided which will re-read login credentials as needed for reauthentication. User passwords are not retained in memory by the KVStore client, so if you explicitly provide LoginCredentials, you are also responsible for supplying a reauthentication handler, if desired.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if an illegal configuration parameter is specified.
        See Also: