Package oracle.kv

Interface OperationFactory

  • public interface OperationFactory
    A factory to create operations that can be batched for execution by KVStore.execute.

    Each operation created here operates on a single key and matches the corresponding operation defined in KVStore. For example, the Operation generated by the createPut method corresponds to the put method. The argument pattern for creating the operation is similar. It differs in the following respects:

    • The durability argument is not passed, since that argument applies to the execution of the entire batch of operations and is passed in to the execute method.
    • ReturnValueVersion.Choice is passed instead of ReturnValueVersion.
    • An additional argument, abortIfUnsuccessful is passed.

    The return values associated with operations similarly match the descriptions for the corresponding methods described in in KVStore. They are, however, retrieved differently: the status, return value, previous value and version are packaged together in OperationResult.

    • Method Detail

      • createPut

        Operation createPut​(Key key,
                            Value value)
        Create a Put operation suitable for use as an argument to the execute method. The semantics of the returned operation are identical to that of the put method.

        The previous value is not returned by this method and the abortIfUnsuccessful property is false.

        The result of evaluating the operation, or the resulting exception, after the call to execute is available as an OperationResult.

        the created Put operation
        See Also:
        put, execute
      • createPut

        Operation createPut​(Key key,
                            Value value,
                            ReturnValueVersion.Choice prevReturn,
                            boolean abortIfUnsuccessful)
        Create a Put operation suitable for use as an argument to the execute method. The semantics of the returned operation are identical to that of the put method.

        The result of evaluating the operation, or the resulting exception, after the call to execute is available as an OperationResult.

        abortIfUnsuccessful - is true if this operation should cause the execute transaction to abort when the operation fails, where failure is the condition when the put method returns null.
        the created Put operation
        See Also:
        put, execute
      • createPutIfAbsent

        Operation createPutIfAbsent​(Key key,
                                    Value value)
        Create a Put operation suitable for use as an argument to the execute method. The semantics of the returned operation are identical to that of the putIfAbsent method.

        The previous value is not returned by this method and the abortIfUnsuccessful property is false.

        The result of evaluating the operation, or the resulting exception, after the call to execute is available as an OperationResult.

        the created Put operation
        See Also:
        putIfAbsent, execute
      • createPutIfAbsent

        Operation createPutIfAbsent​(Key key,
                                    Value value,
                                    ReturnValueVersion.Choice prevReturn,
                                    boolean abortIfUnsuccessful)
        Create a Put operation suitable for use as an argument to the execute method. The semantics of the returned operation are identical to that of the putIfAbsent method.

        The result of evaluating the operation, or the resulting exception, after the call to execute is available as an OperationResult.

        abortIfUnsuccessful - is true if this operation should cause the execute transaction to abort when the operation fails, where failure is the condition when the putIfAbsent method returns null.
        the created Put operation
        See Also:
        putIfAbsent, execute
      • createPutIfPresent

        Operation createPutIfPresent​(Key key,
                                     Value value)
        Create a Put operation suitable for use as an argument to the execute method. The semantics of the returned operation are identical to that of the putIfPresent method.

        The previous value is not returned by this method and the abortIfUnsuccessful property is false.

        The result of evaluating the operation, or the resulting exception, after the call to execute is available as an OperationResult.

        the created Put operation
        See Also:
        putIfPresent, execute
      • createPutIfPresent

        Operation createPutIfPresent​(Key key,
                                     Value value,
                                     ReturnValueVersion.Choice prevReturn,
                                     boolean abortIfUnsuccessful)
        Create a Put operation suitable for use as an argument to the execute method. The semantics of the returned operation are identical to that of the putIfPresent method.

        The result of evaluating the operation, or the resulting exception, after the call to execute is available as an OperationResult.

        abortIfUnsuccessful - is true if this operation should cause the execute transaction to abort when the operation fails, where failure is the condition when the putIfPresent method returns null.
        the created Put operation
        See Also:
        putIfPresent, execute
      • createPutIfVersion

        Operation createPutIfVersion​(Key key,
                                     Value value,
                                     Version version)
        Create a Put operation suitable for use as an argument to the execute method. The semantics of the returned operation are identical to that of the putIfVersion method.

        The previous value is not returned by this method and the abortIfUnsuccessful property is false.

        The result of evaluating the operation, or the resulting exception, after the call to execute is available as an OperationResult.

        the created Put operation
        See Also:
        putIfVersion, execute
      • createPutIfVersion

        Operation createPutIfVersion​(Key key,
                                     Value value,
                                     Version version,
                                     ReturnValueVersion.Choice prevReturn,
                                     boolean abortIfUnsuccessful)
        Create a Put operation suitable for use as an argument to the execute method. The semantics of the returned operation are identical to that of the putIfVersion method.

        The result of evaluating the operation, or the resulting exception, after the call to execute is available as an OperationResult.

        abortIfUnsuccessful - is true if this operation should cause the execute transaction to abort when the operation fails, where failure is the condition when the putIfVersion method returns null.
        the created Put operation
        See Also:
        putIfVersion, execute
      • createDelete

        Operation createDelete​(Key key)
        Create a Delete operation suitable for use as an argument to the execute method. The semantics of the returned operation when executed are identical to that of the delete method.

        The previous value is not returned by this method and the abortIfUnsuccessful property is false.

        The result of evaluating the operation, or the resulting exception, after the call to execute is available as an OperationResult.

        the created Delete operation
        See Also:
        delete, execute
      • createDelete

        Operation createDelete​(Key key,
                               ReturnValueVersion.Choice prevReturn,
                               boolean abortIfUnsuccessful)
        Create a Delete operation suitable for use as an argument to the execute method. The semantics of the returned operation when executed are identical to that of the delete method.

        The result of evaluating the operation, or the resulting exception, after the call to execute is available as an OperationResult.

        abortIfUnsuccessful - is true if this operation should cause the execute transaction to abort when the operation fails, where failure is the condition when the delete method returns false.
        the created Delete operation
        See Also:
        delete, execute
      • createDeleteIfVersion

        Operation createDeleteIfVersion​(Key key,
                                        Version version)
        Create a Delete operation suitable for use as an argument to the execute method. The semantics of the returned operation when executed are identical to that of the deleteIfVersion method.

        The previous value is not returned by this method and the abortIfUnsuccessful property is false.

        The result of evaluating the operation, or the resulting exception, after the call to execute is available as an OperationResult.

        the created Delete operation
        See Also:
        deleteIfVersion, execute
      • createDeleteIfVersion

        Operation createDeleteIfVersion​(Key key,
                                        Version version,
                                        ReturnValueVersion.Choice prevReturn,
                                        boolean abortIfUnsuccessful)
        Create a Delete operation suitable for use as an argument to the execute method. The semantics of the returned operation when executed are identical to that of the deleteIfVersion method.

        The result of evaluating the operation, or the resulting exception, after the call to execute is available as an OperationResult.

        abortIfUnsuccessful - is true if this operation should cause the execute transaction to abort when the operation fails, where failure is the condition when the deleteIfVersion method returns false.
        the created Delete operation
        See Also:
        deleteIfVersion, execute