Package oracle.kv

Interface StatementResult

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Interface Description
      static class  StatementResult.Kind
      Shows the kind of StatementResult.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void close()
      Closes the result including the iterator and releases all the resources related to this result.
      java.lang.String getErrorMessage()
      If isSuccessful() is false, return a description of the problem.
      java.lang.String getInfo()
      Returns information about the execution of the statement, in human readable form.
      java.lang.String getInfoAsJson()
      Returns the same information as getInfo(), in JSON format.
      StatementResult.Kind getKind()
      Returns the Kind of StatementResult.
      int getPlanId()
      Returns the administrative plan id for this operation if the statement was a DDL statement: create or remove table, a create or remove index, or an alter index.
      java.lang.String getResult()
      Returns the output of a DDL statement that generates results, such as SHOW TABLES, SHOW AS JSON TABLES, DESCRIBE TABLE, or DESCRIBE AS JSON TABLE.
      RecordDef getResultDef()
      Returns the definition of the result of this statement if the statement is a query, otherwise null.
      boolean isCancelled()
      Returns true if the statement had been cancelled.
      boolean isDone()
      Returns true if the statement completed.
      boolean isSuccessful()
      Returns true if this statement has finished and was successful.
      TableIterator<RecordValue> iterator()
      Returns a TableIterator over the records in this result.
      • Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Iterable

        forEach, spliterator
    • Method Detail

      • getPlanId

        int getPlanId()
        Returns the administrative plan id for this operation if the statement was a DDL statement: create or remove table, a create or remove index, or an alter index. When using the Admin CLI (runadmin) utility, administrative operations are identified by plan id. The plan id can be used to correlate data definition and administrative statements issued programmatically using the API against operations viewed via the interactive Admin CLI or other monitoring tool.

        The plan id will be 0 if this statement was not an administrative operation, or did not require execution.

      • getInfo

        java.lang.String getInfo()
        Returns information about the execution of the statement, in human readable form. If the statement was a data definition command, the information will show the start and end time of the operation and details about server side processing. For data manipulation commands it will return null.
      • getInfoAsJson

        java.lang.String getInfoAsJson()
        Returns the same information as getInfo(), in JSON format. Several possible formats are returned, depending on the statement. The format of a data definition command which requires server side processing is as follows:
           "version" : "2",
           "planInfo" : {
             "id" : 6,
             "name" : "CreateIndex:users:LastName",
             "isDone" : true,
             "state" : "SUCCEEDED",
             "start" : "2014-10-29 18:41:12 UTC",
             "interrupted" : null,
             "end" : "2014-10-29 18:41:12 UTC",
             "error" : null,
             "executionDetails" : {
               "taskCounts" : {
                 "total" : 3,
                 "successful" : 3,
                 "failed" : 0,
                 "interrupted" : 0,
                 "incomplete" : 0,
                 "notStarted" : 0
               "finished" : [ {
                 "taskNum" : 1,
                 "name" : "StartAddIndex:users:LastName",
                 "state" : "SUCCEEDED",
                 "start" : "2014-10-29 18:41:12 UTC",
                 "end" : "2014-10-29 18:41:12 UTC"
               }, {
                 "taskNum" : 2,
                 "name" : "WaitForAddIndex:users:LastName",
                 "state" : "SUCCEEDED",
                 "start" : "2014-10-29 18:41:12 UTC",
                 "end" : "2014-10-29 18:41:12 UTC"
               }, {
                 "taskNum" : 3,
                 "name" : "CompleteAddIndex:users:LastName",
                 "state" : "SUCCEEDED",
                 "start" : "2014-10-29 18:41:12 UTC",
                 "end" : "2014-10-29 18:41:12 UTC"
               } ],
               "running" : [ ],
               "pending" : [ ]
        For data manipulation commands it will return null.
      • getErrorMessage

        java.lang.String getErrorMessage()
        If isSuccessful() is false, return a description of the problem. Will be null if isSuccessful() is true.
      • isSuccessful

        boolean isSuccessful()
        Returns true if this statement has finished and was successful.
      • isDone

        boolean isDone()
        Returns true if the statement completed. For DDL this is the equivalent of ExecutionFuture.isDone(). For QUERY statements this indicates if the iterator is depleted.
      • getResult

        java.lang.String getResult()
        Returns the output of a DDL statement that generates results, such as SHOW TABLES, SHOW AS JSON TABLES, DESCRIBE TABLE, or DESCRIBE AS JSON TABLE. The output of a DESCRIBE AS JSON TABLES command is:
             "type" : "table",
             "name" : "users",
             "comment" : null,
             "shardKey" : [ "id" ],
             "primaryKey" : [ "id" ],
             "fields" : [ {
               "name" : "id",
               "type" : "INTEGER",
               "nullable" : true,
               "default" : null
             }, {
               "name" : "firstName",
               "type" : "STRING",
               "nullable" : true,
               "default" : null
             }, {
               "name" : "lastName",
               "type" : "STRING",
               "nullable" : true,
               "default" : null
             }, {
               "name" : "age",
               "type" : "INTEGER",
               "nullable" : true,
               "default" : null
             } ],
             "indexes" : [ {
               "name" : "LastName",
               "comment" : null,
               "fields" : [ "lastName" ]
             } ]
        The output of a SHOW AS JSON TABLES command is:
         {"tables" : ["users"]}
        Returns null in the case of a DML statement.
      • iterator

        TableIterator<RecordValue> iterator()
                                     throws java.lang.IllegalStateException

        Returns a TableIterator over the records in this result. If the statement is DDL, an iterator with an empty result will be returned.

        close() will close this iterator, any subsequent calls to hasNext() will return false and any calls to next() will throw a java.util.IllegalStateException.

        Note: Multiple calls to this method will return the same iterator object.

        Specified by:
        iterator in interface java.lang.Iterable<RecordValue>
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the result is closed.
      • close

        void close()
        Closes the result including the iterator and releases all the resources related to this result. This method is idempotent. For query statements any subsequent calls to getResultDef() will trigger an IllegalStateException. Applications should discard all references to this object after it has been closed. When a StatementResult is closed, any metadata instances that were created by calling the getResultDef() method remain accessible.
      • getResultDef

        RecordDef getResultDef()
                        throws java.lang.IllegalStateException,
        Returns the definition of the result of this statement if the statement is a query, otherwise null.
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the result is closed.
        FaultException - if the operation cannot be completed for any reason