Class TableInputFormat

  • public class TableInputFormat
    extends TableInputFormatBase<PrimaryKey,​Row>
    A Hadoop InputFormat class for reading data from an Oracle NoSQL Database. Map/reduce keys and values are returned as PrimaryKey and Row objects respectively.

    For information on the parameters that may be passed to this class, refer to the javadoc for the parent class of this class; TableInputFormatBase.

    A simple example demonstrating the Oracle NoSQL DB Hadoop oracle.kv.hadoop.table.TableInputFormat class can be found in the KVHOME/example/table/hadoop directory. It demonstrates how, in a MapReduce job, to read records from an Oracle NoSQL Database that were written using Table API. The javadoc for that program describes the simple Map/Reduce processing as well as how to invoke the program in Hadoop.

    • Constructor Detail

      • TableInputFormat

        public TableInputFormat()
        No-arg constructor.
    • Method Detail

      • setTopologyLocator

        public void setTopologyLocator​(TableInputFormatBase.TopologyLocatorWrapper newTopologyLocator)
        Special setter method that used by tests that wish to mock the wrapper for the TopologyLocator employed by the getSplits method of this class to connect to a store to retrieve the splits. This method is used by the tests to tell the TableInputFormat to use the given TopologyLocator mocked by the test rather than the non-mocked TopologyLocator created by the no-arg constructor of this class.