Interface AdminMXBean

  • public interface AdminMXBean
    This MBean represents an Admin's operational parameters.
    • Method Detail

      • getAdminId

        int getAdminId()
        Returns the AdminId number of an Admin instance.
      • getServiceStatus

        java.lang.String getServiceStatus()
        Returns the reported service status of the Admin.
      • getLogFileLimit

        int getLogFileLimit()
        Returns the maximum size of log files.
      • getLogFileCount

        int getLogFileCount()
        Returns number of log files that are kept.
      • getPollPeriodMillis

        long getPollPeriodMillis()
        Returns The polling period for collecting metrics.
      • getEventExpiryAge

        long getEventExpiryAge()
        Returns how long to keep critical event records.
      • isMaster

        boolean isMaster()
        Tells whether this Admin is the master among Admin instances.
      • getEnvMetric

        java.lang.String getEnvMetric()
        Returns a JSON string containing a bundle of JE environment-related metrics. These metrics are also reported by the notification oracle.kv.admin.envmetric.