Interface ArbNodeMXBean

  • public interface ArbNodeMXBean
    This MBean represents an Arbiter node's operational parameters.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      long getAcks()
      Returns the number of transactions acked.
      java.lang.String getArbNodeId()
      Returns the ArbNodeId number of an Arbiter instance.
      boolean getCollectEnvStats()
      If true, then the underlying BDB-JE subsystem will dump statistics into a local .stat file.
      java.lang.String getConfigProperties()
      Returns Non-default BDB-JE configuration properties.
      int getHeapMB()
      Returns the size of the Java heap for this Replication Node, in MB.
      java.lang.String getJavaMiscParams()
      Returns a string that is added to the command line when the Replication Node process is started.
      java.lang.String getLoggingConfigProps()
      Returns property settings for the Logging subsystem.
      java.lang.String getMaster()
      Returns the current master.
      long getReplayQueueOverflow()  
      java.lang.String getServiceStatus()
      Returns the reported service status of the Arbiter
      java.lang.String getState()
      Returns the current node State.
      int getStatsInterval()
      Returns the collection period for performance statistics, in sec.
      long getVLSN()  
    • Method Detail

      • getArbNodeId

        java.lang.String getArbNodeId()
        Returns the ArbNodeId number of an Arbiter instance.
      • getServiceStatus

        java.lang.String getServiceStatus()
        Returns the reported service status of the Arbiter
      • getConfigProperties

        java.lang.String getConfigProperties()
        Returns Non-default BDB-JE configuration properties.
      • getJavaMiscParams

        java.lang.String getJavaMiscParams()
        Returns a string that is added to the command line when the Replication Node process is started.
      • getLoggingConfigProps

        java.lang.String getLoggingConfigProps()
        Returns property settings for the Logging subsystem.
      • getCollectEnvStats

        boolean getCollectEnvStats()
        If true, then the underlying BDB-JE subsystem will dump statistics into a local .stat file.
      • getStatsInterval

        int getStatsInterval()
        Returns the collection period for performance statistics, in sec.
      • getHeapMB

        int getHeapMB()
        Returns the size of the Java heap for this Replication Node, in MB.
      • getAcks

        long getAcks()
        Returns the number of transactions acked.
      • getMaster

        java.lang.String getMaster()
        Returns the current master.
      • getState

        java.lang.String getState()
        Returns the current node State.
      • getVLSN

        long getVLSN()
      • getReplayQueueOverflow

        long getReplayQueueOverflow()