Interface PreparedStatement

  • All Superinterfaces:
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    public interface PreparedStatement
    extends Statement

    Represents a Statement that has been compiled and an execution plan generated for it. A PreparedStatement should be used when it is expected that the same statement will be executed multiple times. This way, the cost of compilation is paid only once.

    An instance of PreparedStatement can be created via the KVStore.prepare(String statement) method. This instance can then be executed multiple times via one of the KVStore.execute methods (for example, KVStore.execute(String statement, ExecuteOptions options) or KVStore.executeSync(Statement statement, ExecuteOptions options)).

    If the statement is a DML statement that contains external variables, these variables must be bound to specific values before the statement can be executed. To allow for potentially concurrent execution of the same PreparedStatement multiple times with different bind values each time, binding of external variables must be done via one or more instances of the BoundStatement interface. Such instances are created via the #createBoundStatement() method. It is then the BoundStatement instances that must be executed (i.e., passed as input to the KVStore execute methods) instead of the PreparedStatement instance

    Objects implementing the PreparedStatement interface are thread-safe and their methods are re-entrant. On the other hand, BoundStatement instances are not thread-safe.

    • Method Detail

      • getResultDef

        RecordDef getResultDef()
        Returns the definition of the result of this Statement.
      • getVariableTypes

        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​FieldDef> getVariableTypes()
        Returns the types of the variables.
      • getVariableType

        FieldDef getVariableType​(java.lang.String variableName)
        Returns the type of the given variableName or null if it doesn't exist.
      • createBoundStatement

        BoundStatement createBoundStatement()
        Creates a new BoundStatement object for this PreparedStatement.