Interface SubscriptionMetrics

  • public interface SubscriptionMetrics
    Object represents a set of statistics of a single subscription.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.util.Map<oracle.kv.impl.topo.RepGroupId,​java.lang.Long> getAckStartVLSN()
      Returns the acknowledged start vlsn from NoSQL DB for each subscribed shard
      long getCurrentOpenTxn()
      Returns the current total number of open transactions in publisher that have not yet committed or aborted.
      java.util.Map<oracle.kv.impl.topo.RepGroupId,​java.lang.Long> getLastAbortVLSN()
      Returns the last aborted vlsn for each subscribed shard
      java.util.Map<oracle.kv.impl.topo.RepGroupId,​java.lang.Long> getLastCommitVLSN()
      Returns the last committed vlsn for each subscribed shard
      java.util.Map<oracle.kv.impl.topo.RepGroupId,​java.lang.Long> getLastMsgTimeStamp()
      Returns the timestamp of last message from each subscribed shard
      long getNumTokenRefreshed()
      Gets the number of times that token has been refreshed with the secure store.
      java.util.Map<oracle.kv.impl.topo.RepGroupId,​java.lang.Long> getReqStartVLSN()
      Returns the requested start vlsn for each subscribed shard
      long getTotalAbortOps()
      Returns the total number of operations that were part of aborted transactions in the subscription.
      long getTotalAbortTxns()
      Returns the total aborted transactions in the subscription
      long getTotalCommitOps()
      Returns the total number of operations that were part of committed transactions in the subscription.
      long getTotalCommitTxns()
      Returns the total committed transactions in the subscription
      long getTotalConsumedOps()
      Returns the total number of stream operations that have been consumed by subscriber
      long getTotalReconnect()
      Returns the total number of reconnections to shards in subscription.
    • Method Detail

      • getReqStartVLSN

        java.util.Map<oracle.kv.impl.topo.RepGroupId,​java.lang.Long> getReqStartVLSN()
        Returns the requested start vlsn for each subscribed shard
        the requested start vlsn for each subscribed shard
      • getAckStartVLSN

        java.util.Map<oracle.kv.impl.topo.RepGroupId,​java.lang.Long> getAckStartVLSN()
        Returns the acknowledged start vlsn from NoSQL DB for each subscribed shard
        the acknowledged start vlsn from NoSQL DB for each subscribed shard
      • getLastCommitVLSN

        java.util.Map<oracle.kv.impl.topo.RepGroupId,​java.lang.Long> getLastCommitVLSN()
        Returns the last committed vlsn for each subscribed shard
        the last committed vlsn for each subscribed shard
      • getLastAbortVLSN

        java.util.Map<oracle.kv.impl.topo.RepGroupId,​java.lang.Long> getLastAbortVLSN()
        Returns the last aborted vlsn for each subscribed shard
        the last aborted vlsn for each subscribed shard
      • getLastMsgTimeStamp

        java.util.Map<oracle.kv.impl.topo.RepGroupId,​java.lang.Long> getLastMsgTimeStamp()
        Returns the timestamp of last message from each subscribed shard
        the timestamp of last message from each subscribed shard
      • getTotalConsumedOps

        long getTotalConsumedOps()
        Returns the total number of stream operations that have been consumed by subscriber
        the total number of stream operations that have been consumed by subscriber
      • getTotalCommitTxns

        long getTotalCommitTxns()
        Returns the total committed transactions in the subscription
        the total committed transactions in the subscription
      • getTotalAbortTxns

        long getTotalAbortTxns()
        Returns the total aborted transactions in the subscription
        the total aborted transactions in the subscription
      • getTotalCommitOps

        long getTotalCommitOps()
        Returns the total number of operations that were part of committed transactions in the subscription. It is a sum of operations of all committed transactions.
        the total committed operations in the subscription
      • getTotalAbortOps

        long getTotalAbortOps()
        Returns the total number of operations that were part of aborted transactions in the subscription. It is a sum of operations of all aborted transactions.
        the total aborted operations in the subscription
      • getCurrentOpenTxn

        long getCurrentOpenTxn()
        Returns the current total number of open transactions in publisher that have not yet committed or aborted.
        the current total open transactions in the subscription
      • getTotalReconnect

        long getTotalReconnect()
        Returns the total number of reconnections to shards in subscription. The reconnection happens at level of shard when subscriber is unable to stream from a node in that shard, e.g., the master node is done and a new master is elected, and subscriber will reconnect to the new master of the shard.
        the total number of reconnections
      • getNumTokenRefreshed

        long getNumTokenRefreshed()
        Gets the number of times that token has been refreshed with the secure store. Refreshing a token includes both renewing an existing token and re-authenticating to obtain a new token if existing token cannot be renewed. For non-secure store, it always returns 0.
        the number of times that token has been refreshed