Interface Index

  • public interface Index
    Index represents an index on a table in Oracle NoSQL Database. It is an immutable object created from system metadata. Index is used to examine index metadata and used as a factory for IndexKey objects used for IndexKey operations in TableAPI.

    Indexes are created and managed using the administrative command line interface.

    • Method Detail

      • getTable

        Table getTable()
        Returns the Table on which the index is defined.
        the table
      • getName

        java.lang.String getName()
        Returns the name of the index.
        the index name
      • getFields

        java.util.List<java.lang.String> getFields()
        Returns an unmodifiable list of the field names that define the index. These are in order of declaration which is significant. This method returns the same list as IndexKey.getFields() for IndexKey instances created by this Index.
        the field names
      • indexesNulls

        boolean indexesNulls()
        Returns wherther the index indexes SQL NULL and EMPTY values. This is specified in the index creation DDL. The default is true. If false, a row that contains a NULL value on an indexed field or is missing an indexed field will be skipped during indexing. As a result, the index may not contain at least one entry per row, which further implies that there are certain queries that cannot use this index. The query compiler makes sure that the index will not be used in those cases (e.g. queries containing IS NULL or NOT EXISTS predicates on the indexed field(s)).
      • getDescription

        java.lang.String getDescription()
        Gets the index's description if present, otherwise null. This is a description of the index that is optionally supplied during definition of the index.
        the description or null
      • getType

        Index.IndexType getType()
        Returns the index's IndexType.
      • getAnnotationForField

        java.lang.String getAnnotationForField​(java.lang.String fieldName)
        Return an annotation for the given field. Annotations are used only for Full Text Indexes. Returns null if there is no annotation.
      • createIndexKey

        IndexKey createIndexKey()
        Creates an IndexKey for this index. The returned key can only hold fields that are part of this. Other fields are rejected if an attempt is made to set them on the returned object.
        an empty index key based on the index
      • createIndexKey

        IndexKey createIndexKey​(RecordValue value)
        as of 4.5
        Creates an IndexKey for the index populated relevant fields from the RecordValue parameter. Fields that are not part of the index key are silently ignored.

        This method is not able to construct index keys for multi-key indexes. These are indexes that include elements of a map or array and can result in multiple index entries, or distinct IndexKey values for a single row.

        value - a RecordValue instance
        an IndexKey containing relevant fields from the value
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the value does not match the table or index, or if the index contains an array or map
      • createIndexKeyFromJson

        IndexKey createIndexKeyFromJson​(java.lang.String jsonInput,
                                        boolean exact)
        Creates an IndexKey based on JSON input. If the exact parameter is true the input string must contain an exact match to the index key. It must not have additional data. If false, only matching fields will be added and the input may have additional, unrelated data.
        jsonInput - a JSON string
        exact - set to true for an exact match. See above
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if exact is true and a field is missing or extra. It will also be thrown if a field type or value is not correct
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the input is malformed
      • createIndexKeyFromJson

        IndexKey createIndexKeyFromJson​( jsonInput,
                                        boolean exact)
        Creates an IndexKey based on JSON input. If the exact parameter is true the input string must contain an exact match to the index key. It must not have additional data. If false, only matching fields will be added and the input may have additional, unrelated data.
        jsonInput - a JSON string
        exact - set to true for an exact match. See above
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if exact is true and a field is missing or extra. It will also be thrown if a field type or value is not correct
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the input is malformed
      • createFieldRange

        FieldRange createFieldRange​(java.lang.String fieldPath)
        Creates a FieldRange object used to specify a value range for use in a index iteration operation in TableAPI.
        fieldPath - the path to the field from the index to use for the range. This string must match one of the valid index field strings returned by getFields().
        an empty FieldRange based on the index
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the field is not defined in the index