Interface ReturnRow

  • All Superinterfaces:
    java.lang.Comparable<FieldValue>, FieldValue, RecordValue, Row

    public interface ReturnRow
    extends Row
    ReturnRow is used with put and delete operations to return the previous row value and version. If either property is returned the expiration time for the row will also be valid. If neither value nor version is returned expiration time is undefined.

    A ReturnRow instance may be used as the prevRecord parameter to methods such as TableAPI.put(Row, ReturnRow, WriteOptions).

    For best performance, it is important to choose only the properties that are required. The store is optimized to avoid I/O when the requested properties are in cache.

    Note that because both properties are optional, the version property, value property, or both properties may be null, in which case expiration time is undefined.

    • Method Detail

      • getReturnChoice

        ReturnRow.Choice getReturnChoice()
        Returns the Choice of what information is returned.