Class TableIteratorOptions

  • public class TableIteratorOptions
    extends ReadOptions
    TableIteratorOptions extends ReadOptions and is passed to read-only store operations that return iterators. It is used to specify non-default behavior. Default behavior is configured when a store is opened using KVStoreConfig.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TableIteratorOptions

        public TableIteratorOptions​(Direction direction,
                                    Consistency consistency,
                                    long timeout,
                                    java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit timeoutUnit)
        Creates a TableIteratorOptions with the specified parameters. Equivalent to TableIteratorOptions(direction, consistency, timeout, timeoutUnit, 0, 0).
        direction - a direction
        consistency - the read consistency or null
        timeout - the request timeout or 0
        timeoutUnit - the TimeUnit for the timeout parameter or null
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if direction is null, the timeout is negative, or timeout is > 0 and timeoutUnit is null
      • TableIteratorOptions

        public TableIteratorOptions​(Direction direction,
                                    Consistency consistency,
                                    long timeout,
                                    java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit timeoutUnit,
                                    int maxConcurrentRequests,
                                    int batchResultsSize)
        Creates a TableIteratorOptions with the specified parameters, including maxConcurrentRequests and batchResultsSize values.

        If consistency is null, the default consistency is used. If timeout is zero the default request timeout is used.

        maxConcurrentRequests specifies the maximum degree of parallelism to be used when running an iteration. Setting maxConcurrentRequests to 1 causes the iteration to be performed using only a single thread. Setting it to 0 lets the KV Client determine the degree of concurrency based on topology information (up to a maximum of the number of available processors as returned by java.lang.Runtime.availableProcessors()). Values less than 0 cause an IllegalArgumentException to be thrown.

        direction - a direction
        consistency - the read consistency or null
        timeout - the request timeout or 0
        timeoutUnit - the TimeUnit for the timeout parameter or null
        maxConcurrentRequests - the maximum number of concurrent requests
        batchResultsSize - the number of results per request
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if direction is null, the timeout is negative, timeout is > 0 and timeoutUnit is null, or maxConcurrentRequests or batchResultsSize is less than 0
    • Method Detail

      • getDirection

        public Direction getDirection()
        Returns the direction.
        the direction
      • getMaxConcurrentRequests

        public int getMaxConcurrentRequests()
        Returns the maximum number of concurrent requests, or 0 if no maximum was specified.
        the maximum number of concurrent requests or 0
      • getResultsBatchSize

        public int getResultsBatchSize()
        Returns the number of results per request, or 0 if no value was specified.
        the number of results or 0
      • getMaxResultsBatches

        public int getMaxResultsBatches()
        since 3.4, no longer supported. Returns zero.