Starting KVLite

You start KVLite by using the kvlite utility, which can be found in KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar. If you use this utility without any command line options, then KVLite will run with the following default values:

  • The store name is kvstore.

  • The hostname is the local machine.

  • The registry port is 5000.

  • The directory where Oracle NoSQL Database data is placed (known as KVROOT) is ./kvroot.

  • The administration process is turned on.

  • Security is turned on.

This means that any processes that you want to communicate with KVLite can only connect to it on the local host ( using port 5000. If you want to communicate with KVLite from some machine other than the local machine, then you must start it using non-default values. The command line options are described later in this chapter.

For example:

> java -Xmx64m -Xms64m -jar KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar kvlite


To avoid using too much heap space, you should specify the -Xmx and -Xms flags for Java when running administrative and utility commands.

When KVLite has started successfully, it writes one of two statements to stdout, depending on whether it created a new store or is opening an existing store (the following assumes security is enabled):

Generated password for user admin: password
User login file: ./kvroot/security/
Created new kvlite store with args:
-root ./kvroot -store <kvstore> -host localhost -port 5000 
-secure-config enable


The password is randomly generated.


Opened existing kvlite store with config:
-root ./kvroot -store <kvstore name> -host <localhost> -port 5000 
-secure-config enable 

where <kvstore name> is the name of the store and <localhost> is the name of the local host. It takes about 10 - 60 seconds before this message is issued, depending on the speed of your machine.

Note that you will not get the command line prompt back until you stop KVLite.