Annotation Type NosqlId

@Retention(RUNTIME) @Target({FIELD,METHOD,ANNOTATION_TYPE}) public @interface NosqlId
Identifies the primary key field of the entity. Primary key can be of a basic type or of a type that represents a composite primary key. This field corresponds to the PRIMARY KEY of the corresponding Nosql table. Only one field of the entity can be annotated with this annotation. If using a composite primary key, the fields comprising the composite key must have distinct names when viewed in lower case, otherwise an error is raised.
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    Specifies if values for the field are automatically generated.
  • Element Details

    • generated

      boolean generated
      Specifies if values for the field are automatically generated. Valid only for int, Integer, long, Long, BigInteger, BigDecimal,