Annotation Type NosqlTable

@Inherited @Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(TYPE) public @interface NosqlTable
Optional annotation used to set options regarding the table used for entity.

If annotation is not explicitly used the TableLimits are determined by NosqlDbConfig.getDefaultCapacityMode(), NosqlDbConfig.getDefaultStorageGB(), NosqlDbConfig.getDefaultReadUnits(), and NosqlDbConfig.getDefaultWriteUnits().

  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static enum 
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    Flag that indicates if automatic creation of table is enabled.
    Sets the capacity mode when table is created.
    Sets the default consistency for all read operations applied to this table.
    Sets the default durability for all write operations applied to this table.
    Sets the read units when table is created.
    Sets the storageGB when table is created.
    Sets the name of the table to be used for this entity.
    Sets the default timeout in milliseconds for all operations applied on this table.
    Sets the default table level Time to Live (TTL) when table is created.
    Sets the unit of TTL value.
    Sets the write units when table is created.
  • Element Details

    • tableName

      String tableName
      Sets the name of the table to be used for this entity. If not set or set to "", the Class.getSimpleName() is used.
    • autoCreateTable

      boolean autoCreateTable
      Flag that indicates if automatic creation of table is enabled. By default this is set to Constants.DEFAULT_AUTO_CREATE_TABLE.
    • capacityMode

      NosqlCapacityMode capacityMode
      Sets the capacity mode when table is created. This applies only in cloud or cloud sim scenarios.

      For TableLimits to be set one of the following two conditions must be met:

      • capacityMode is set to PROVISIONED and all three: readUnits, writeUnits and storageGB must be greater than 0,
      • or capacityMode is set to ON_DEMAND and storageGB must be greater than 0.

      If not set the default value is NosqlCapacityMode.PROVISIONED.

    • readUnits

      int readUnits
      Sets the read units when table is created. Valid values are only values greater than 0. This property applies only in cloud or cloud sim scenarios and capacity mode is NosqlCapacityMode.PROVISIONED. If not set the value NosqlDbConfig.getDefaultReadUnits() is used. All three: readUnits, writeUnits and storageGB must be greater than 0 to set a valid TableLimits.
    • writeUnits

      int writeUnits
      Sets the write units when table is created. Valid values are only values greater than 0. This applies only in cloud or cloud sim scenarios and capacity mode is NosqlCapacityMode.PROVISIONED. If not set the value NosqlDbConfig.getDefaultWriteUnits() is used. All three: readUnits, writeUnits and storageGB must be greater than 0 to set a valid TableLimits.
    • storageGB

      int storageGB
      Sets the storageGB when table is created. This applies only in cloud or cloud sim scenarios.

      If not set, the value of NosqlDbConfig.getDefaultStorageGB() is used.

      A 0 or less than -1 value will force no table limits, but they are required in cloud and cloudsim instalations.

      For TableLimits to be set one of the following two conditions must be met:

      • capacityMode is set to PROVISIONED and all three: readUnits, writeUnits and storageGB must be greater than 0,
      • or capacityMode is set to ON_DEMAND and storageGB must be greater than 0.

    • consistency

      String consistency
      Sets the default consistency for all read operations applied to this table. Valid values for this are defined in Consistency. If not set the default value for this is EVENTUAL.
    • durability

      String durability
      Sets the default durability for all write operations applied to this table. Valid values for this are defined in Durability. If not set the default value for this is COMMIT_NO_SYNC.

      Note: This applies to On-Prem installations only.

    • timeout

      int timeout
      Sets the default timeout in milliseconds for all operations applied on this table. If not set the default value is 0 which means it is ignored. Note: NosqlRepository.setTimeout(int) take precedence over the set here.
    • ttl

      int ttl
      Sets the default table level Time to Live (TTL) when table is created. TTL allows automatic expiration of table rows when specified duration of time is elapsed. If not set the value Constants.NOTSET_TABLE_TTL is used, which means no table level TTL. This is applicable only when autoCreateTable() is set to true.
      See Also:
    • ttlUnit

      Sets the unit of TTL value. If not set the default value is days. This is applicable only when autoCreateTable() is set to true.
      See Also: