Configure a single node KVLite

KVLite is a simplified version of the Oracle NoSQL Database.

KVLite is a single shard data store, that is not replicated. It runs in a single process without requiring any administrative interface. You configure, start, and stop KVLite using a command line interface.

KVLite is intended for use by application developers who need to develop and unit test their Oracle NoSQL Database applications. It can be used as a development platform for developers to get familiar with Oracle NoSQL APIs, and test different ways of interacting with these APIs. This is the simplest configuration of a NoSQL database and helps you get started quickly as it does not need any detailed configuration steps. However it is not intended for production deployment, or for performance measurements.

Start KVLite in a secure mode as shown below.
java -Xmx64m -Xms64m -jar lib/kvstore.jar kvlite
kvstore is the name of the data store that gets configured and kvroot is the directory where Oracle NoSQL Database data is placed.
Also, KVLite is secure by default. If you want to run KVLite in unsecure mode, you will have to explicitly provide parameters to disable security while installing KVLite as shown below.
 java -jar lib/kvstore.jar kvlite -secure-config disable