Create and Deploy Replication Nodes

The final step in your configuration process is to create replication nodes on every Storage Node in your data store. You do this using the topology create and plan deploy-topology commands. The topology create command takes the following arguments:

  • topology name - A string to identify the topology.

  • pool name - A string to identify the pool.

  • number of partitions

The initial configuration is based on the number of Storage Nodes specified by the pool. This number is fixed once the topology is created and it cannot be changed. The command will automatically create an appropriate number of shards and replication nodes based upon the Storage Nodes in the pool.

You should make sure the number of partitions you select is more than the largest number of shards you ever expect your data store to contain, because the total number of partitions is static and cannot be changed. For simpler use cases, you can use the following formula to arrive at a very rough estimate for the number of partitions:
(Total number of disks hosted by the Storage Nodes  /
 Replication Factor) * 10
To get a more accurate estimate for production use, see Number of Partitions.

The plan deploy-topology command requires a topology name.

Once you issue the following commands, your data store is fully installed and configured:

kv-> topology create -name topo -pool BostonPool -partitions 300
Created: topo
kv-> plan deploy-topology -name topo -wait
Executed plan 6, waiting for completion...
Plan 6 ended successfully


If you have not created an explicit Storage pool , use -pool AllStorageNodes in the above command.

As a final sanity check, you can confirm that all of the plans succeeded using the show plans command:

kv-> show plans
1 Deploy Zone (1)          SUCCEEDED
2 Deploy Storage Node (2)  SUCCEEDED
3 Deploy Admin Service (3) SUCCEEDED
4 Deploy-RepNodes (4)      SUCCEEDED

You can then exit the command line interface.

kv-> exit