
help [command [sub-command]] [-include-deprecated] 

Prints help messages. With no arguments the top-level shell commands are listed. With additional commands and sub-commands, additional detail is provided.

kv-> help load
Usage: load -file <path to file>
	Load the named file and interpret its contents as a script of 
    commands to be executed.  If any command in the script fails 
    execution will end.

Use -include-deprecated to show deprecated commands.

For example:

kv-> help show -include-deprecated
Encapsulates commands that display the state of the store and its 
Usage: show admins |
            datacenters |
            events |
            faults |
            indexes |
            parameters |
            perf |
            plans |
            pools |
            schemas |
            snapshots |
            tables |
            topology |
            upgrade-order |
            users |
            versions |