
KVLite is a simplified version of the Oracle NoSQL Database. It provides a single storage node, single shard store, that is not replicated. It runs in a single process without requiring any administrative interface.

Oracle NoSQL Database can be configured securely. In a secure configuration, network communications between NoSQL clients, utilities, and NoSQL server components are encrypted using SSL/TLS, and all processes must authenticate themselves to the components to which they connect.

Start KVLite in secure mode:

KVLite starts in a secure mode by default.
java -Xmx64m -Xms64m -jar lib/kvstore.jar kvlite

Start KVLite in non-secure mode:

Execute the kvstore.jar file using the secure-config disable flag to disable security and start KVLite in non-secure mode.
java -Xmx64m -Xms64m -jar lib/kvstore.jar kvlite -secure-config disable

To stop KVLite, use Ctrl C (^C) from within the shell where KVLite is running.

To restart the process, simply run the KVLite utility without any command line options and run the command from the original directory, or specify that directory using the -root flag. Do this even if you provided non-standard options when you first started KVLite. This is because KVLite remembers information such as the port value and the store name in between runs.