Removing an Oracle NoSQL Database Deployment

There are no scripts or tools available to completely remove an Oracle NoSQL Database installation from your hardware. However, the procedure is simple. On each node (machine) comprising your store:

  1. Shut down the Storage Node:

    java -Xmx64m -Xms64m \
    -jar KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar stop -root KVROOT

    Note that if an Admin process is running on the machine, this command also stops that process.

  2. Physically remove the entire contents of KVROOT:

    > rm -rf KVROOT
  3. Empty the contents of all the storage directories configured for the KVStore. For example, if you configured three storage directories using the makebootconfig utility, you must clean up all the three storage directories.

    cd /disk1
    rm -rf *

Once you have performed this procedure on every machine comprising your store, you have completely removed the Oracle NoSQL Database deployment from your hardware.