
#include <kvstore.h>

kv_set_property(kv_properties_t* props,
                const char* prop_name,
                const char* prop_value)

Sets a Java property to the kv_properties_t structure. At present, only the Oracle NoSQL Database security properties can be set. The resulting properties structure is assigned to the store configuration structure using kv_config_set_security_properties().


  • props

    The props parameter references the properties structure on which you want to set the properties.

  • props_name

    The props_name parameter must be a property name. Supported properties are defined in kvstore.h:


      Identifies a security property configuration file to be read when a KVStoreConfig is created, as a set of overriding property definitions.


      If set to ssl, enables the use of SSL/TLS communications.


      Controls what SSL/TLS cipher suites are acceptable for use. The property value is a comma-separated list of SSL/TLS cipher suite names. Refer to your Java documentation for the list of valid values.


      Controls what SSL/TLS protocols are acceptable for use. The property value is a comma-separated list of SSL/TLS protocol names. Refer to your Java documentation for the list of valid values.


      Specifies a verification step to be performed when connecting to a NoSQL DB server when using SSL/TLS. The only verification step currently supported is the dnmatch verifier.

      The dnmatch verifier must be specified in the form dnmatch(distinguished-name), where distinguished-name must be the NoSQL DB server certificate's distinguished name. For a typical secure deployment this should be dnmatch(CN=NoSQL).


      Identifies the location of a Java truststore file used to validate the SSL/TLS certificates used by the Oracle NoSQL Database server. This property must be set to an absolute path for the file. If this property is not set, a system property setting of javax.net.ssl.trustStore is used.


      Identifies the type of Java truststore that is referenced by the KV_SEC_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_FILE_PROPERTY property. This is only needed if using a non-default truststore type. The specified type must be supported by your Java implementation.


      Specifies the username used for authentication.


      Identifies an Oracle Wallet directory containing the password of the user to authenticate. This is only used in the Enterprise Edition of the product.


      Identifies a password store file containing the password of the user to authenticate

  • prop_value

    The prop_value parameter must be the property's value.