Changes in 19.5.30

The following changes were made in Oracle NoSQL Database Release 19.5.30 Enterprise Edition.

Bug and Performance Fixes

  1. Fixed a bug where a LOG_FILE_NOT_FOUND exception could be generated. If TTL is used and some rows are using TTL in hours and others in days, or there is an update to the TTL with a unit change from hours to days, then it is possible to get the exception after the rows get deleted. To recover from this exception, a restore was needed. [KVSTORE-406]
  2. Fixed a problem where setting the DNS cache TTL parameters from makebootconfig can result in a violation warning when running "verify configuration" command from the admin. The issue is that the SN correctly adopts the set TTL value but the admin is not updated during SN deployment resulting in the violation warning on the discrepancy. The warning looks like the following:
    Verify: sn1: Mismatch between metadata in admin service and sn1:  Parameters in Admin database but not from configuration for service sn1: dnsCacheTTL=10
  3. The DbVerifyLog utility will now verify the VLSN sequence.


  4. Fixed a bug which could cause OutOfMemoryErrors in service processes when there are many new client connections established during a short time. The problem is more likely for secure stores. It also appears more often on SNs, since they usually have smaller heap sizes. A heap dump from the process with such problem will show a large number of SSLDataChannel and ConnectTimeoutTask.


  5. Fixed a problem where delete operations could deadlock with concurrent delete requests on the same key. [KVSTORE-272]
  6. During MasterTransfer transactions awaiting acknowledgements from Replicas will now quit waiting and return an InsufficientAcksException. This will allow the old Master to transition to a Replica faster.
