Changes in 21.2.46

The following changes were made in Oracle NoSQL Database Release 21.2.46 Enterprise Edition.

Bug and Performance Fixes

  1. Fixed a bug preventing tables with UUID columns from being altered: rows inserted before the schema evolution would not deserialize after the schema evolution.


  2. Fixed a bug where if a key-only table was later altered to add an identity column, an error would be raised if an attempt was made to read a key-only row that was inserted before the alter.


  3. Fixed a bug in SQL INSERT when the table has an auto-generated identity or UUID column and a column list is used before the VALUES clause. In this case, an exception would be thrown, erroneously.


  4. Fixed compatibility problems in deserializing the server-side execution plan of proxy-based queries. Two problems are fixed:
    1. A query is prepared with a kvclient that is newer than the servers.
    2. A query is prepared with a kvclient at version V1. The prepared query is cached by the application. Then, kvclient and kvserver are upgraded to V2. The apllication executes the cached query again. In this case, the servers would attempt (and fail) to deserialize the query plan using V2, instead of V1.


  5. Fixed an issue that if KVStore handles were repeatedly created under UnknownHostException or UnresolvedAddressException, sock type file descriptors would be leaked.
