Deleting a Full Text Index

To delete a Full Text Index created on an Oracle NoSQL table, you can use the NoSQL store's Admin CLI to execute a command with the following format:

execute 'DROP INDEX [IF EXISTS] <index> ON <table>';
Each argument, flag, and directive is described as follows, where any item encapsulated by square brackets [...] is optional:
  • index - The name of the Text Index to delete.
  • table - The name of the table containing the indexed fields.

If the command above is executed and a Text Index with the specified name does not exist, then the command will fail, displaying an error message. Specifying IF EXISTS when the named index does not exist will result in a no-op.


The command above, when applied to a Full Text Index, will not only remove all metadata related to the index from the associated Oracle NoSQL store's state, but will also remove the corresponding data indexed in Elasticsearch.