Package oracle.kv

Class ReturnValueVersion


public class ReturnValueVersion extends ValueVersion
Used with put and delete operations to return the previous value and version.

A ReturnValueVersion instance may be created and passed as the prevValue parameter to methods such as KVStore.put(Key, Value, ReturnValueVersion, Durability, long, TimeUnit).

For best performance, it is important to choose only the properties that are required. The KV Store is optimized to avoid I/O when the requested properties are in cache.

Note that because both properties are optional, the version property, value property, or both properties may be null.

  • Constructor Details

    • ReturnValueVersion

      public ReturnValueVersion(ReturnValueVersion.Choice returnChoice)
      Creates an object for returning the value, version or both.
      returnChoice - determines whether the value, version, both or none are returned.
  • Method Details

    • getReturnChoice

      public ReturnValueVersion.Choice getReturnChoice()
      Returns the ReturnValueVersion.Choice used to create this object.