Package oracle.kv.lob

Class PartialLOBException

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, oracle.kv.impl.util.FastExternalizable

public class PartialLOBException extends FaultException
Thrown when KVLargeObject.getLOB(oracle.kv.Key, oracle.kv.Consistency, long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit) is invoked on a partial LOB. A partial LOB is typically the result of an incomplete deleteLOB or putLOB operation.

The application can handle this exception and resume the incomplete operation. For example, it can invoke deleteLOB, to delete a LOB in the KVLargeObject.LOBState.PARTIAL_DELETE state or it can resume the failed putLOB operation for a LOB in the KVLargeObject.LOBState.PARTIAL_PUT state.

See Also: