To delete an index definition from the store, use a DROP INDEX statement. Its form when deleting an index is:

DROP INDEX [IF EXISTS] index-name ON table-name


  • IF EXISTS is optional, and it causes the DROP INDEX statement to be ignored if an index by that name does not exist. If this phrase is not specified, and an index using the specified name does not exist, then the DROP INDEX statement will fail with an error.

  • index-name is the name of the index you want to drop.

  • table-name is the name of the table containing the index you want to delete.

For example, if table Users has an index called surnameIndex, then you can delete it using the following statement:

DROP INDEX IF EXISTS surnameIndex ON Users

Use DROP INDEX on a text index to stop the population of the index from NoSQL Database shards, and removes the mapping and all related documents from Elasticsearch. See the following statement:

DROP INDEX [IF EXISTS] index_name ON table_name

For example:

kv-> execute 'DROP INDEX JokeIndex on Joke'
    Statement completed successfully

While deleting index, you can use the OVERRIDE flag. The DROP INDEX statement uses the OVERRIDE flag to enable overriding of the default constraints:

DROP INDEX [IF EXISTS] index_name ON table_name [OVERRIDE]

For example:


For more information, see Deleting FTI in the Integrations Guide.