Limit and offset results

Use the LIMIT clause to limit the number of results returned from a SELECT statement. For example, if there are 1000 rows in a table, limit the number of rows to return by specifying a LIMIT value. It is recommended to use LIMIT and OFFSET with an ORDER BY clause. Otherwise, the results are returned in a random order, producing unpredictable results.

A good use-case/example of using LIMIT and OFFSET is the application paging of results. Say for example your application wants to show 4 results per page. You can use limit and offset to implement stateless paging in the application. If you are showing n ( say 4 ) results per page, then the results for page m (say 2) are being displayed, then offset would be (n*m-1) which is 4 in this example and the limit would be n(which is 4 here).

Example 1: Your application can show 4 results on a page. Fetch the details fetched by your application in the first page for passengers whose last seen station is JTR.
SELECT $bag.fullName, $bag.bagInfo.tagNum, $flt_time
FROM BaggageInfo $bag, 
$bag.bagInfo[].lastSeenTimeGmt $flt_time
WHERE $bag.bagInfo[].lastSeenStation=any "JTR" 
ORDER BY $flt_time LIMIT 4

Explanation: You filter the data in the BaggageInfo table based on the last seen station and you sort the result based on the last seen time. You use an unnest array to flatten your data. That is the bagInfo array is flattened and the last seen time is fetched. You need to just display the first 4 rows from the result set.

{"fullName":"Michelle Payne","tagNum":"17657806247861","flt_time":"2019-02-02T23:59:00Z"}
{"fullName":"Gerard Greene","tagNum":"1765780626568","flt_time":"2019-03-07T16:01:00Z"}
{"fullName":"Lorenzo Phil","tagNum":["17657806240001","17657806340001"],"flt_time":"2019-03-12T15:05:00Z"}
{"fullName":"Lucinda Beckman","tagNum":"17657806240001","flt_time":"2019-03-12T15:05:00Z"}
Example 2: Your application can show 4 results on a page. Fetch the details fetched by your application in the second page for passengers whose last seen station is JTR.
SELECT $bag.fullName, $bag.bagInfo.tagNum, $flt_time 
FROM BaggageInfo $bag, 
$bag.bagInfo[].lastSeenTimeGmt $flt_time 
WHERE $bag.bagInfo[].lastSeenStation=any "JTR" 

Explanation: You filter the data in the BaggageInfo table based on the last seen station and you sort the result based on the last seen time. You use an unnest array to flatten your data. You need to display the contents of the second page, so you set an OFFSET 4. Though you LIMIT to 4 rows, only one row is displayed as the total result set is only 5. The first few are skipped and the fifth one is displayed.

{"fullName":"Lorenzo Phil","tagNum":["17657806240001","17657806340001"],