SQL Examples

Example 1: Fetch the details of all passengers who have been issued a ticket.
SELECT fullname, contactPhone,gender 
FROM ticket a 
LEFT OUTER JOIN ticket.passengerInfo b 
ON a.ticketNo=b.ticketNo

Explanation: This is an example of a join where the target table ticket is joined with its child table passengerInfo.

{"fullname":"Elane Lemons","contactPhone":"600-918-8404","gender":"F"}
{"fullname":"Adelaide Willard","contactPhone":"421-272-8082","gender":"M"}
{"fullname":"Dierdre Amador","contactPhone":"165-742-5715","gender":"M"}
{"fullname":"Doris Martin","contactPhone":"289-564-3497","gender":"F"}
{"fullname":"Adam Phillips","contactPhone":"893-324-1064","gender":"M"}
Example 1a: Fetch the details of the passenger with ticket number 1762324912391 .
SELECT fullname, contactPhone, gender 
FROM ticket a 
LEFT OUTER JOIN ticket.passengerInfo b 
ON a.ticketNo=b.ticketNo 
WHERE a.ticketNo=1762324912391

Explanation: This is an example of a join where the target table ticket is joined with its child table passengerInfo and a filter is applied to restrict the result. In this example, the result set is limited by applying a filter condition to the result of the join. You are limiting the result to a particular ticket number.

{"fullname":"Elane Lemons","contactPhone":"600-918-8404","gender":"F"}
Example 2: Fetch all the bag details for all passengers who have been issued a ticket.
SELECT * FROM ticket a 
LEFT OUTER JOIN ticket.bagInfo b 
ON a.ticketNo=b.ticketNo

Explanation: This is an example of a join where the target tableticket is joined with its child table bagInfo.





Example 2a: Fetch all the bag details for a particular ticket number.
SELECT * FROM ticket a 
LEFT OUTER JOIN ticket.bagInfo b 
ON a.ticketNo=b.ticketNo 
WHERE a.ticketNo=1762324912391

This is an example of a join where the target table ticket is joined with its child table bagInfo and a filter is applied to restrict the result. In this example, the result set is limited by applying a filter condition to the result of the join. You are limiting the result to a particular ticket number.



If you move the non-join predicate restriction to the ON clause, the result set includes all the rows that meet the ON clause condition. Rows from the right outer table that do not meet the ON condition are populated with NULL values as shown below.
SELECT * FROM ticket a 
LEFT OUTER JOIN ticket.bagInfo b 
ON a.ticketNo=b.ticketNo AND
{"a":{"ticketNo":1762324912391,"confNo":"LN0C8R"}, "b":{"ticketNo":1762324912391,"id":79039899168383,"tagNum":1765780623244,"routing":"MXP/CDG/SLC/BZN",
Example 3: Fetch all flight legs details for all passengers.
SELECT *FROM ticket a 
LEFT OUTER JOIN ticket.bagInfo.flightLegs b 
ON a.ticketNo=b.ticketNo;

Explanation: This is an example of a join where the target table ticket is joined with its descendant ticketInfo. A descendant table can be any level hierarchically below a table ( For example fightLegs is the child of bagInfo which is the child of ticket, so fightLegs is a descendant of ticket).

"actions":[{"actionAt":"MIA","actionCode":"ONLOAD to LAX","actionTime":"2019-02-01T06:13:00Z"},
{"actionAt":"MIA","actionCode":"BagTag Scan at MIA","actionTime":"2019-02-01T05:47:00Z"},
{"actionAt":"MIA","actionCode":"Checkin at MIA","actionTime":"2019-02-01T04:38:00Z"}]}}

"actions":[{"actionAt":"MEL","actionCode":"Offload to Carousel at MEL","actionTime":"2019-02-01T16:15:00Z"},
{"actionAt":"LAX","actionCode":"ONLOAD to MEL","actionTime":"2019-02-01T15:35:00Z"},
{"actionAt":"LAX","actionCode":"OFFLOAD from LAX","actionTime":"2019-02-01T15:18:00Z"}]}}

"actions":[{"actionAt":"BZN","actionCode":"Offload to Carousel at BZN","actionTime":"2019-03-15T10:13:00Z"},
{"actionAt":"SLC","actionCode":"ONLOAD to BZN","actionTime":"2019-03-15T10:06:00Z"},
{"actionAt":"SLC","actionCode":"OFFLOAD from SLC","actionTime":"2019-03-15T09:59:00Z"}]}}

"actions":[{"actionAt":"CDG","actionCode":"ONLOAD to SLC","actionTime":"2019-03-15T09:42:00Z"},
{"actionAt":"CDG","actionCode":"BagTag Scan at CDG","actionTime":"2019-03-15T09:17:00Z"},
{"actionAt":"CDG","actionCode":"OFFLOAD from CDG","actionTime":"2019-03-15T09:19:00Z"}]}}

"actions":[{"actionAt":"MXP","actionCode":"ONLOAD to CDG","actionTime":"2019-03-15T08:13:00Z"},
{"actionAt":"MXP","actionCode":"BagTag Scan at MXP","actionTime":"2019-03-15T07:48:00Z"},
{"actionAt":"MXP","actionCode":"Checkin at MXP","actionTime":"2019-03-15T07:38:00Z"}]}}

"actions":[{"actionAt":"GRU","actionCode":"ONLOAD to ORD","actionTime":"2019-02-15T01:21:00Z"},
{"actionAt":"GRU","actionCode":"BagTag Scan at GRU","actionTime":"2019-02-15T00:55:00Z"},
{"actionAt":"GRU","actionCode":"Checkin at GRU","actionTime":"2019-02-14T23:49:00Z"}]}}

"actions":[{"actionAt":"SEA","actionCode":"Offload to Carousel at SEA","actionTime":"2019-02-15T21:16:00Z"},
{"actionAt":"ORD","actionCode":"ONLOAD to SEA","actionTime":"2019-02-15T20:52:00Z"},
{"actionAt":"ORD","actionCode":"OFFLOAD from ORD","actionTime":"2019-02-15T20:44:00Z"}]}}

"actions":[{"actionAt":"MAD","actionCode":"Offload to Carousel at MAD","actionTime":"2019-03-07T13:54:00Z"},
{"actionAt":"JFK","actionCode":"ONLOAD to MAD","actionTime":"2019-03-07T07:00:00Z"},
{"actionAt":"JFK","actionCode":"BagTag Scan at JFK","actionTime":"2019-03-07T06:53:00Z"},
{"actionAt":"JFK","actionCode":"Checkin at JFK","actionTime":"2019-03-07T05:03:00Z"}]}}

"actions":[{"actionAt":"MXP","actionCode":"Offload to Carousel at MXP","actionTime":"2019-03-22T10:15:00Z"},
{"actionAt":"CDG","actionCode":"ONLOAD to MXP","actionTime":"2019-03-22T10:09:00Z"},
{"actionAt":"CDG","actionCode":"OFFLOAD from CDG","actionTime":"2019-03-22T10:01:00Z"}]}}

"actions":[{"actionAt":"SEA","actionCode":"ONLOAD to CDG","actionTime":"2019-03-22T11:26:00Z"},
{"actionAt":"SEA","actionCode":"BagTag Scan at SEA","actionTime":"2019-03-22T10:57:00Z"},
{"actionAt":"SEA","actionCode":"OFFLOAD from SEA","actionTime":"2019-03-22T11:07:00Z"}]}}

"actions":[{"actionAt":"BZN","actionCode":"ONLOAD to SEA","actionTime":"2019-03-22T07:23:00Z"},
{"actionAt":"BZN","actionCode":"BagTag Scan at BZN","actionTime":"2019-03-22T06:58:00Z"},
{"actionAt":"BZN","actionCode":"Checkin at BZN","actionTime":"2019-03-22T05:20:00Z"}]}}
Example 3a: Fetch all the flight leg details for a particular ticket number.
SELECT * FROM ticket a 
LEFT OUTER JOIN ticket.bagInfo.flightLegs b
ON a.ticketNo=b.ticketNo 
WHERE a.ticketNo=1762344493810

This is an example of a join where the target table ticket is joined with its descendant bagInfo and a filter is applied to restrict the result. In this example, the result set is limited by applying a filter condition to the result of the join. You are limiting the result to a particular ticket number.

The result has two rows, implying there are two flight legs for this ticket number.

"actions":[{"actionAt":"MIA","actionCode":"ONLOAD to LAX","actionTime":"2019-02-01T06:13:00Z"},
{"actionAt":"MIA","actionCode":"BagTag Scan at MIA","actionTime":"2019-02-01T05:47:00Z"},
{"actionAt":"MIA","actionCode":"Checkin at MIA","actionTime":"2019-02-01T04:38:00Z"}]}}

"actions":[{"actionAt":"MEL","actionCode":"Offload to Carousel at MEL","actionTime":"2019-02-01T16:15:00Z"},
{"actionAt":"LAX","actionCode":"ONLOAD to MEL","actionTime":"2019-02-01T15:35:00Z"},
{"actionAt":"LAX","actionCode":"OFFLOAD from LAX","actionTime":"2019-02-01T15:18:00Z"}]}}
Example 4: Fetch the bag id and number of hops for all bags of all passengers.
SELECT b.id,count(*) AS NUMBER_HOPS 
FROM ticket a LEFT OUTER JOIN ticket.bagInfo.flightLegs b
ON a.ticketNo=b.ticketNo GROUP BY b.id

Explanation: You group the data based on the bag id (using GROUP BY) and get the count of flight legs (using count()) for every bag.

Example 4a: Find the number of hops for all the bags of a given passenger.
SELECT b.id,count(*) AS NUMBER_HOPS 
FROM ticket a LEFT OUTER JOIN ticket.bagInfo.flightLegs b
ON a.ticketNo=b.ticketNo 
WHERE a.ticketNo=1762355527825 GROUP BY b.id

Explanation: You group the data based on the bag id (using GROUP BY) and get the count of flight legs ( Using count() )for every bag. Additionally, you filter the results for a particular ticket number.

Example 5: Fetch bag id and routing details of all bags that arrived after 2019.
SELECT b.id, routing 
FROM ticket a LEFT OUTER JOIN ticket.bagInfo b
ON a.ticketNo=b.ticketNo 
WHERE CAST (b.bagArrivalDate AS Timestamp(0))
>= CAST ("2019-01-01T00:00:00" AS Timestamp(0))

Explanation: This is an example of a join where the target tableticket is joined with its child table bagInfo. The filter condition is applied on the bagArrivalDate. The CAST function is used to convert the string into Timestamp and then the values are compared.
