trim function

The trim function enables you to trim leading or trailing characters (or both) from a string. The ltrim function enables you to trim leading characters from a string. The rtrim function enables you to trim trailing characters from a string.
returnvalue trim(source [, position [, trim_character]])

source ::= any*
position ::= "leading"|"trailing"|"both"
trim_character ::= string*
returnvalue ::= string
returnvalue ltrim(source)

returnvalue rtrim(source)
source ::= any*
returnvalue ::= string
Example: Remove leading and trailing blank spaces from the route details of the passenger whose ticket number is 1762350390409.
SELECT trim(bag.baginfo[0].routing,"trailing"," ")
FROM BaggageInfo bag 
WHERE ticketNo=1762376407826
Using ltrim function to remove leading spaces:
SELECT ltrim(bag.baginfo[0].routing)
FROM BaggageInfo bag 
WHERE ticketNo=1762376407826
Using rtrim function to remove trailing spaces:
SELECT rtrim(bag.baginfo[0].routing)
FROM BaggageInfo bag 
WHERE ticketNo=1762376407826