Password store file

The following commands are used to create and manipulate CE password store files within the securityconfig tool. CE password store files managed though this interface are never password protected. For more information on the securityconfig tool, see Configuring Security with Securityconfig.

To create a new password store file, run the pwdfile create command:

pwdfile create 
-file <password store file> 

To manipulate secrets (passwords), which are associated with a name (alias), run the pwdfile secret command:

pwdfile secret 
-file <password store file> 
{-set | -delete} -alias <alias>

If the user specifies the -set option, the user is prompted for a new password for the specified alias and required to verify the new password.

If the -delete option is specified, the alias is deleted from the store.

Use the pwdfile subcommand while configuring the store security:

Run the securityconfig utility to set up the basic store configuration with security:
java -Xmx64m -Xms64m -jar KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar securityconfig
The securityconfig tool is invoked. Use the config create command with the -pwdmgr option to specify the mechanism used to hold password that is needed for accessing the store. Here the password is specified in a read-protected, clear-text password file. This is the only available option for Oracle NoSQL Database Community Edition version.
security-> config create -pwdmgr pwdfile -root kvroot
Enter a password for the Java KeyStore:
Re-enter the KeyStore password for verification:

Enter a password for your store and then re-enter it for verification. The configuration tool will automatically generate some security related files.