Basic Indexing

This section builds on the examples that you began in Working with complex data.

sql-> mode LINE
Query output mode is LINE
sql-> create index idx_income on Persons (income);
Statement completed successfully
sql-> create index idx_age on Persons (age);
Statement completed successfully
sql-> SELECT * from Persons
WHERE income > 10000000 and age < 40;

 > Row 0                                              
 | id          | 3                                          |
 | firstname   | John                                       |
 | lastname    | Morgan                                     |
 | age         | 38                                         |
 | income      | 100000000                                  |
 | lastLogin   | 2016-11-29T08:21:35.4971                   |
 | address     | street                   | 187 Aspen Drive |
 |             | city                     | Middleburg      |
 |             | state                    | FL              |
 |             | zipcode                  | NULL            |
 |             | phones                                     |
 |             |     type                 | work            |
 |             |     areacode             | 305             |
 |             |     number               | 1234079         |
 |             |                                            |
 |             |     type                 | home            |
 |             |     areacode             | 305             |
 |             |     number               | 2066401         |
 | connections | 1                                          |
 |             | 4                                          |
 |             | 2                                          |
 | expenses    | food                     | 2000            |
 |             | gas                      | 10              |
 |             | travel                   | 700             |

1 row returned