SQLJSONExamples Script

The SQLJSONExample is available to illustrate JSON usage. This script creates the following table:

create table if not exists JSONPersons (
  id integer,
  person JSON,
  primary key (id)

The script imports the following table rows. Notice that the content for the person column, which is of type JSON contains a JSON object. That object contains a series of fields which represent our person. We have deliberately included inconsistent information in this example so as to illustrate how to handle various queries when working with JSON data.

  "person" : {
      "lastLogin" : "2016-10-29T18:43:59.8319",
      "address":{"street":"150 Route 2",
                 "zipcode" : 37013,
                 "phones":[{"type":"home", "areacode":423, 
      "connections":[2, 3],
      "expenses":{"food":1000, "gas":180}

  "person" : {
      "lastLogin" : "2016-11-28T13:01:11.2088",
      "address":{"street":"187 Hill Street",
                 "zipcode" : 53511,
                 "phones":[{"type":"home", "areacode":339, 
      "connections":[1, 3],
      "expenses":{"books":100, "food":1700, "travel":2100}

  "person" : {
      "lastLogin" : "2016-11-29T08:21:35.4971",
      "address":{"street":"187 Aspen Drive",
                 "phones":[{"type":"work", "areacode":305, 
                           {"type":"home", "areacode":305, 
      "connections":[1, 4, 2],
      "expenses":{"food":2000, "travel":700, "gas":10}
  "person": {
      "lastLogin" : "2016-10-19T09:18:05.5555",
      "address":{"street":"364 Mulberry Street",
                 "phones":[{"type":"work", "areacode":339, 
                          {"type":"work", "areacode":339, 
                          {"type":"home", "areacode":339, 
                          {"type":"home", "areacode":305, 
      "connections":[3, 5, 1, 2],
      "expenses":{"food":6000, "books":240, "clothes":2000, 

  "person" : {
      "lastLogin" : "2016-11-08T09:16:46.3929",
      "address":{"street":"427 Linden Avenue",
                 "city":"Monroe Township",
                 "phones":[{"type":"work", "areacode":201, 
                          {"type":"work", "areacode":201, 
                          {"type":"home", "areacode":339, 
      "connections":[2, 4, 1, 3],
      "expenses":{"food":900, "shoes":1000, "clothes":1500}

  "person" : {

  "person" : {

You run the SQLJSONExamples script using the load command:

> cd <installdir>/examples/sql
> java -jar <KVHOME>/lib/sql.jar -helper-hosts <host>:<port> \
-store <storename> load \
-file <KVHOME>/examples/sql/SQLJSONExamples.cli