1 Introduction to the Oracle NoSQL Database Streams API

The Oracle NoSQL Database Streams API lets you subscribe to all logical changes (puts and deletes) made to Oracle NoSQL Database tables. These changes are streamed to your application as a series of discrete StreamOperation class objects. This API is based on the Reactive Streams standard. See Reactive Streams.

Oracle NoSQL Database Streams APIs are prefixed with NoSQL to differentiate them from the APIs described by the Reactive Streams standard. For example, Reactive Streams describes a Publisher class. The Oracle NoSQL Database implementation of that class is called NoSQLPublisher.


The Oracle NoSQL Database streams API supports table namespaces. If you reference a table that is in a namespace, prefix the table, such as Users, with its namespace name (such as ns1) followed by a colon (:). For example, ns1:Users.

The remainder of this chapter provides an introduction to the Oracle NoSQL Database Streams API.