Disabling Storage Node Agent Hosted Services

To disable all services associated with a stopped SNA use the -disable-services flag. This helps isolate failed services to avoid hard rollbacks during a failover. Also, in this way, the configuration can be updated during recovery after a failover. The usage is:

java -Xmx64m -Xms64m \
-jar KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar {start | stop | restart}
[-disable-services] [-verbose]
-root KVROOT [-config <bootstrapFileName>] 


  • start -disable-services

    Starts an Oracle NoSQL Database Storage Node Agent with all of its hosted services disabled. If the SNA is already running, the command will fail.

  • stop -disable-services

    Stops an Oracle NoSQL Database Storage Node Agent, marking all of its services disabled so that they will not start when starting up the SNA in the future or until the services are reenabled.

  • restart -disable-services

    Restarts an Oracle NoSQL Database Storage Node Agent with all of its hosted services disabled.