load admin metadata

java -Xmx64m -Xms64m \
-jar KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar load -store <storeName>
-host <hostname> -port <port> -load-admin
-source <admin-backup-dir> [-force]
[-username <user>] [-security <security-file-path>] 

Loads the admin metadata from the snapshot to the new store. In this case the -source directory must point to the environment directory of the admin node from the snapshot. The store must not be available for use by users at the time of this operation.


  • -load-admin Specifies that only admin metadata will be loaded into the store.


    This option should not be used on a store unless that store is being restored from scratch. If -force is specified in conjunction with -load-admin, any existing metadata in the store, including tables and security metadata, will be overwritten. See Using the Load Program for more information.

  • -host <hostname> Identifies the host name of a node in your store.

  • -port <port> Identifies the registry port in use by the store's Node.

  • -security <security-file-path> Identifies the security file used to specify properties for login.

  • -source <admin-backup-dir> The admin snapshot directory containing the contents of the admin metadata that is to be loaded into the store.

  • -store <storeName> Identifies the new store which is the target of the load.

  • -username <user> Identifies the name of the user to login to the secured store.