Managing Tables Using Visual Studio Code Extension

Once you connect to your deployment using Oracle NoSQL Database Visual Studio (VS) Code extension, use the TABLE EXPLORER located on the left navigation to:
  • Explore your tables, columns, indexes, primary keys, and shard keys.
  • Create new tables.
  • Drop existing tables.
  • Create Indexes.
  • Drop Indexes.
  • Add columns.
  • Drop Columns.
  • Insert data into table.
  • Execute SELECT SQL queries.

Explore tables, columns, indexes and keys

When you expand an active connection, Oracle NoSQL Database VS Code shows the tables in that deployment.
  • Click the table name to view its columns, indexes, primary key(s), and shard key(s). The column name displays along with its data type.
  • You can refresh the schema or table at any time to re-query your deployment and populate Oracle NoSQL Database with the most up-to-date data.
    • In the TABLE EXPLORER, locate the connection and click the Refresh icon to reload the schema. Alternatively, you can right-click the connection and select Refresh Schema.
    • In the TABLE EXPLORER, locate the table name and click the Refresh icon to reload the table. Alternatively, you can right-click the table name and select Refresh Table.