
java -Xmx64m -Xms64m \
-jar KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar runadmin
-host <hostname> -port <port> | -helper-hosts <host:port[,host:port]*>
[-store <storeName> ]
[-username <user>] [-security <security-file-path>]
[-admin-username <adminUser>] 
[-admin-security <admin-security-file-path>]
[-timeout <timeout ms>]
[-consistency <NONE_REQUIRED(default) | ABSOLUTE |
[-durability <COMMIT_SYNC(default) | COMMIT_NO_SYNC |
[-dns-cachettl <time in sec>]
[-registry-open-timeout <time in ms>]
[-registry-read-timeout <time in ms>]

The runadmin command starts the Admin command line interface (CLI) utility on the host Storage Node (SN) of your choice. You use the CLI to perform configuration activities for your store.

You can start the CLI on a single host, using the following flags. You can specify any storage node as a single host, including an Admin-only host without any replica nodes:
-host <hostname> –port <port>
To have more than one host support the Admin command line interface, use the –helper-hosts option with two or more hosts:
-helper-hosts <host:port[,host:port]*>


The runadmin –admin-host <adminHost> –admin-port <adminPort> options are deprecated. Entering either option results in an error. If you are using these options in scripts, replace them with either the –host or –helper-hosts options (and their port specifications), as noted in the syntax statement.

Use the –timeout, –consistency, and –durability flags to override the connect configuration settings.


  • -timeout

    Specifies the store request time-out in milliseconds. There is no default.

  • -consistency

    Indicates the store request consistency. The default value is NONE_REQUIRED.

  • -durability

    Indicates the store request durability. The default value is COMMIT_SYNC.