Verifying Storage Node configuration

You can use the diagnostics verify tool to verify the configuration of the specified Storage Nodes. You can also check if the configuration of each Storage Node is consistent with other members of the cluster.

The usage of this command is:

diagnostics verify { -checkLocal | -checkMulti }
[-host <host name of a SN in topology>]
[-port <registry port of a SN in topology>]
[-sshusername <SSH username>]
[-username <store username>]
[-security <security-file-path>]
[-configdir <location of Storage Node target file>] 


  • -checkLocal

    If specified, verifies the configuration of the specified Storage Nodes.

  • -checkMulti

    If specified, verifies that the configuration of each Storage Node is consistent with other members of the cluster.

  • -host

    Specifies the host of a Storage Node. If specified, it detects a running topology in order to update the sn-target-list without having to run diagnostics setup first. It needs to be specified with -port.

  • -port

    Specifies the host of a Storage Node. If specified, it detects a running topology in order to update the sn-target-list without having to run diagnostics setup first. It needs to be specified with -host.

  • -sshusername

    Specifies a SSH username to log on as in a Storage Node.

  • -username

    Specifies a username to log on as in a secure deployment.

  • -security

    In a secured deployment, specifies a path to the security file. If not specified in a secure store, updating the sn-target-list will fail.

  • -configdir

    Specifies the directory which contains the sn-target-list. If the flag is not specified, the default directory is the working directory.